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Dynamic Rates

Demonstrated response by 3.5 MW of water pumping load to dynamic prices in Valley Clean Energy and PG&E's AgFIT pilot led regulators to order expansion to 100 MW pilots across most California geographies, sectors and end uses.

Gridtractor's founder conceived of the AgFIT pilot--building on years of research and experience in the field--and led the regulatory proposal, program and technology development and implementation.


The tools, methods and software applications employed to achieve that initial success are the foundation of Gridtractor's intellectual capital and have been augmented, improved and honed since the company's launch. 

They are now available to utilities, CCAs, program implementers, Automation Service Providers (ASP), technology vendors and energy users to help them develop and implement dynamic rates.

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Program Development

Implementation of dynamic rates that drive action--and not just reattribution of costs--require careful consideration of customers' economics, operations and behavior and alignment with pricing and program parameters. Applying our experience and carefully-developed models can ensure success.


Customer Identification, Qualification and Recruitment

Successful dynamic rates implementations require more than sign-ups; they demand a balance of flexibility and opportunity. But, identifying the right customers, qualifying their ability to respond and demonstrating the opportunity in a compelling way for each individual customer requires sophisticated, efficient tools and recruitment processes. We provide those capabilities so that account teams can make the case to customers who will benefit and avoid disappointment for those who won't. 


Operation and Execution

 Customers need technology to respond to dynamic rates and there is a lot of confusion in the market, especially about the role for automation, and many partial solutions. Gridtractor's technology can be used to manage response from multiple loads and load types per site, including stationary and EV battery export. Importantly, it can also be used to facilitate response by non-automated loads. 


Analysis and Improvement

Regulatorily-mandated EM&V is important but answers specific questions and takes a long time to provide results. Rapid, ongoing analysis can help identify trends and issues to make course corrections and help programs to be more successful, rather than learn later where they fell short. Gridtractor's tools, experience and capabilities can accelerate these important feedback loops.

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